Saturday, May 3, 2014

Remembering Saturdays

Happy Saturday! Its been a while since I have blogged, and for good reason, I had to resolve within myself what I wanted this blog to be. Vegetarian Information! Information! Information! OR to tell my story as a vegetarian. A Black vegetarian raising a family and living in the heart of Newark. Now I know there are other vegetarians in this city, I have been looking for them! To my dismay they have managed to allude me. None the less I will keep the torch going for my green sista's and brotha's.

I titled this post remembering Saturdays because on this Saturday, I remember to take walks in the park enjoying the warm sun on my skin. I remember to open the doors and let the fresh air in. I remember to dance like no one is looking while cleaning the house and vacuuming! Only to discover when you turn around from your trance like dance state, that your child was watching the whole time with a look of HORROR watching you roll your rolls, and gyrate those hips! I was in my groove YES! I remember lunch with friends, quiet talks and agree to disagree debates. I remember sitting and watching the boats in the harbor in Jersey City and people smiling as they walk slowly together enjoying the moment.

On this Saturday when I resume this blog about the Brick City Veg, I will remember to be authentically me.



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